Research questionnaire:

‘Attitudes and motivations towards sustainability and clothes sharing’.

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You are invited to take part in this research study. Before you decide whether to take part you need to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the following information carefully. Ask questions if anything you read is not clear or if you would like more information. 

The researcher and the aims of this study.

I am a 28 year old part-time student at the National College of Ireland and full-time Account Executive at HubSpot. I am passionate about technology and sustainability and in particular the potential for technology to impact climate change action and sustainability efforts in a positive way. This study aims to add to current academic research around user motivations and drivers of collaborative consumption, also known as peer to peer borrowing and sharing. 

What will taking part involve?

Taking part will involve completing a 2 minute questionnaire. The questions will pertain to your attitudes towards the importance of sustainability, considerations when using a clothes-sharing app or service, your consumer motivations and feelings towards lending or sharing your clothes.

Why have I been invited to take part?

We are looking for participants to partake in research around sharing platforms to understand their motivations and attitudes towards what would encourage or discourage them from using a clothes sharing platform or service. You may have received an invitation through your affiliation with Nuw app or someone affiliated with Nuw. 

Do I have to take part?

Participation is in no way obligatory and you can choose not to participate at any point while taking the questionnaire.

What are the possible risks and benefits of taking part? Is it confidential?

There are very minimal risks in taking part of this study. Your response is anonymous and confidential. The benefit of taking part is that you may positively contribute to the reduction of the negative impact of clothing production and the fast fashion industry on our biosphere by helping researchers to learn more about consumer motivations to engage in sharing practices. 

How will information you provide be recorded, stored and protected?

Results will be collected via Survey Monkey and stored in Survey Monkey for approximately 1-2 months while the research process is ongoing. Once the results have been collected, the data will be stored on a private computer using an encrypted Excel file.

What will happen to the results of this study?

Data will only be retained for one year using the procedure and format above. The analyses for this data will be published in the final research report. 

Who should you contact for further information?

Please contact the researcher Lauren Futter by emailing if you require further information.

Consent to take part in this research

The research project has been fully explained to me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions concerning any and all aspects of the project and any procedures involved. I am aware that participation is voluntary and that I may withdraw my consent at any time. Confidentiality of records concerning my involvement in this project will be maintained in an appropriate manner. When required by law, the records of this research may be reviewed by government agencies and sponsors of the research.

I hereby consent to participate as a subject in the above described research questionnaire. I understand that if I have any questions concerning this research, I can contact the researcher listed above to seek further clarification and information.

If you have no further questions about giving consent, please check the box below where indicated.