At Nuw we recommend using the following methods of exchange, as they have a low environmental impact on our planet.
1. Meet up
Meeting up in person is the ideal way to exchange your share or swap, as it has the least impact on the environment. Please ensure you follow distancing guidelines set by your country.
2. Parcel Motel
If you are in Ireland or Northern Ireland, Parcel Motel offers a locker to locker system, which means it is contactless. To use this both parties must have a Parcel Motel account (PMID). Check them out here.
3. Royal Mail or An Post
Regular post can be used across Ireland and the UK.
4. Peyk Delivery
London only users can avail of super fast Peyk bike delivery options. 65% of their fleet is bike based. They provide same day even same hour delivery options at reasonable rates. You just need to download their app, here.